How Climate Change is Changing Insurance Markets: Risky Business | Congressional Hearing 3/22/2023

2023-05-11 7

Risky Business: How Climate Change is Changing Insurance Markets

Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: SD-608

Member Statements:
Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse (D - RI)
Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R - IA)


Mr. Eric Andersen

Ms. Nancy Watkins
Principal & Consulting Actuary

Dr. Benjamin Keys
Professor of Real Estate
Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Judith Curry
President and Co-founder, Climate Forecast Applications Network
Professor Emeritus and Former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology

Mr. Jerry Theodorou
Finance, Insurance, and Trade
R Street Institute

#climatechange #congressionalhearing #insurance #economy #senatehearing #budgetcommittee